It’s almost that time of year again, the Glenunga Cricket Club AGM will be coming soon. This means we’re not far away from the cricket season!
The AGM is open to all members of the Glenunga Cricket Club and are welcome to attend. The AGM will give everyone an overview of the club’s current directions, future goals, financial health and also the election of committee members.
The AGM will take place at 7pm, Tuesday September 14th. In the Webb Room @ Glenunga Hub.
For those who wish to attend, please adhere to any COVID-19 restrictions in place, continue with social distancing and don’t forget to check-in with the COVID app on your Smart Phone.
This date can be subject to any changes should the Coronavirus situation in South Australia change. Should any changes happen members will be notified asap via newsletter and also changes to the Facebook event.
The Facebook event can be found here:
Alex Mathewson
GCC Communications