Dear all,
We hope that you enjoyed a break over the festive period and are looking forward to the return of cricket training and matches.
South Australia has recently experienced a significant increase in COVID-19 cases due to the Omicron variant. SACA is committed to ensuring that cricket can be delivered in a COVID Safe manner.
It is critical that all cricket clubs and associations comply with the community sport restrictions outlined below.
Community Sport Restrictions*
- All attendees at sporting matches, trainings or events must “check in” using the QR Code (which must be displayed by the Club in a prominent location).
- Masks are required indoors and when physical distancing cannot be achieved.
- Each sporting match, training or event must have a COVID Marshal.
- Free online COVID Marshal training can be accessed here:
- Density requirements must be followed – refer to your COVID Safe Plan.
- No physical contact – no high fives or shaking hands.
- No sharing – strongly recommended against the sharing of cricket equipment and no sharing of food/drinks.
*Please refer to the SACA COVID Safe Cricket website for a comprehensive list of restrictions and resources.
COVID-19 Vaccination
SACA encourages all players, coaches, umpires, officials and administrators aged 5 and over to be vaccinated on the advice of your doctor.
Playing Conditions
As previously advised, it is highly likely that the scenario will arise where players are unavailable to participate in matches due to testing and isolation requirements. SACA has prepared draft Playing Conditions to support Associations in navigating this likely challenge. Associations have a copy and will also be available as a resource on the SACA Covid Safe Cricket website shortly. Please note, it is at the discretion of your Association to implement various recommendations/guidelines and these may vary across competitions. Please contact Cate Ryan if you require further clarification in this regard.
We appreciate your support in ensuring that our community is COVID safe.
Shane Bernhardt
General Manager – Community Cricket